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Do you feel an indescribable connection with your animal, a bond so profound that words fail to capture its essence?

Animal SOul Contracts with Guest Tammy Billups VIA ZOOM

Sunday, April 28,
6-7:00 PM EST

If you can't attend live, register anyway to receive the recording!

22 years ago, Tammy embarked on a deep inner healing journey after experiencing four losses within a few months’ time. Through this difficult period, she suddenly had access to the spiritual “gifts” of seeing, feeling, and sensing energy.

Tammy is now an international holistic practitioner for humans and animals. She’s a certified Interface Therapist (Bioenergetics), and the author of 3 award winning books on the animal-human sacred soul partnership.

In addition, Tammy has created 3 masterclass courses for animal lovers to dive deeper into the topics in her books.

In essence, Tammy's life's passion is about raising awareness of the higher purpose in the heart of every animal and human experience, ailment, and issue, and exploring its capacity to expedite healing for all beings to unearth a new time of heaven on earth.

Join us as Tammy unravels the mysteries behind why we experience such a profound connection with our animals!

more about Tammy & why we created this webinar...

Join Tammy Billups and I as we explore the enchanting depths of the soul contracts woven between us and our beloved animals.

Reserve your spot today!

Sunday, April 28, 6-7:00 PM EST via Zoom

If you can't attend live, register anyway to receive the recording!

copyright 2024. Nikki & Animals LLC. all rights reserved.

animals are our greatest teachers!